In the Kamchatka Territory, cases of encounters with rodent bears that have not fallen into hibernation have become more frequent. The Ministry of Forestry and Hunting of the region explains that the main reason for this phenomenon was the abnormally cold summer, which did not allow predators to accumulate enough fat reserves necessary for a successful wintering. This led to the fact that some bears were unable to hide in their dens and were forced to continue searching for food, which increases the likelihood of their encounters with humans.
The ministry notes that although there is no mass release of rodent bears, the number of such cases still exceeds the usual figures. The situation was aggravated by the crop failure of the main forage plants of the brown bear in the southern part of the peninsula – rowan, blueberry, honeysuckle, nuts and cedar elderberry – due to the cold summer. An additional negative factor was the insufficient number of fish entering the rivers of the Far East to spawn, which is also an important part of the bears’ diet in preparation for hibernation. As a result, not all individuals were able to gain the necessary weight to hibernate, and they continue to wander in search of food.
Since the beginning of the year, the relevant ministry has received 12 reports of bears that have not hibernated near populated areas or places where people stay. In seven cases, they had to resort to forced shooting of animals that posed an immediate threat. At the end of 2024, a tragic case of human death was recorded as a result of an attack by a staggering bear. This incident once again underlines the seriousness of the situation, as Kamchatka bears usually go to winter sleep in mid-November. The authorities urge residents of the region to be more vigilant and careful, especially in areas where hungry predators may appear.