A distressed bear in Kamchatka was finished off with a second shot to the head

A distressed bear in Kamchatka was finished off with a second shot to the head

A distressed bear in Kamchatka was finished off with a second shot to the head

Hunting inspectors posted a video on a social network of the elimination of a seriously injured bear hit by a car, reports RAI KAMCHATKA-INFORM.

As the agency reported, the accident occurred on the evening of January 19 on the Yelizovo – Paratunka highway. A large bear running across the road near the turnoff to the village of Nikolaevka was hit by a car. The severely wounded predator crawled away into the forest, dragging its hind legs, which had failed as a result of the injury.

Hunting experts were called to the scene. It wasn’t difficult for them to find the predator – it left a wide furrow in the snow. As it turned out, they did not finish off the mighty beast with the first shot.

Approaching the predator, the hunters discuss the situation: “We finished him off… It is necessary to look – alive or inanimate. We’re slowly approaching. Yes, the bear is pretty big, damn it,” says one of them, approaching the clubfoot at a distance of about three meters.

“Stop, stop, he’s twitching,” the second one warns him.

“Well, how is that… What kind of fornication is this year, I don’t understand anything, it’s never happened before,” an experienced hunter evaluates the situation with connecting rods in the region and sends a younger partner to finish off the beast with a shot to the head.

He gets under the ear, but even this is a poor bear, who was first seriously injured by a car on the highway, then the first bullet from the rangers is missing. The hunters, still afraid, poke the beast with a carbine and are surprised that it is alive. But these were the last convulsions.…

In 20 days of this year, eight encounters with rodent bears were recorded. Five dangerous clubfoots were shot, three are still wandering.

Let us remind you that last year, due to lack of fishing on the rivers and poor harvest of berries and cones in the forests, many predators that did not accumulate fat reserves did not hibernate. There are practically no chances for rodent bears to survive until spring without food in the winter forest.

And even for this burly man, who fought for his life to the last, to survive three months until the end of April, when Kamchatka bears begin to come out of their dens, and then live on foot food for another month and a half – it is unlikely that he would have made it.

Photo: screenshot of a video from social media.

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