A resident of the village of Slautnoye was awarded the title «Noble reindeer herder of Kamchatka»

A resident of the village of Slautnoye was awarded the title «Noble reindeer herder of Kamchatka»

Жителю села Слаутное присвоено звание «Знатный оленевод Камчатки»

In Kamchatka, a resident of the village of Slautnoye, Penzhinsky municipal district of Tynanto, Alexander Nikolaevich, was awarded the title «Noble reindeer herder of Kamchatka».

As reported to IA «Kam 24» in the association «Kamchatka Sever», the award was approved in 2019. «Reindeer herders of Kamchatka» can be recognized as reindeer herders with at least 15 years of experience who have demonstrated high professional skills. Along with the title, a prize of 25 thousand rubles is also awarded.

It is known that Alexander Nikolaevich Tynanto devoted more than 50 years to the preservation and development of reindeer husbandry. He worked as a reindeer herder, livestock specialist, and head of a reindeer herding farm. He enjoys authority and respect among his fellow countrymen. He has awards for conscientious and many years of work on the state farm «Penzhinsky», then on the reindeer herding farm in the village of Slautnoye.

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