About a thousand people attended the ritual festival «Meeting of the New Sun». According to the traditions of deer Koryaks (Chavchuvens) and Kamchatka Chukchi, the New Year was celebrated in Kamchatka.
The holiday took place in the ecopark «Oikumena. Inhabited Land» in the Elizovsky district. Under the leadership of the elders, an offering to fire (inelvet), a ritual race of cult deer (Mynylg’eyala) and a ritual of «slaughter» took place.
In the national sports competition «Reindeer Herder of the North», participants competed in triple jumps, staff tugging, staff running, chaut throwing and sled jumping. The national snow struggle became especially intense and spectacular. And everyone was treated to hot tea with flatbreads, the regional Ministry of Culture told «Kam 24» news agency.