A meeting of the Kamchatka Fisheries Council was held. The prospects of the salmon spring in 2025 were discussed. The following numbers sounded.
311.42 thousand tons of salmon are expected to be caught in the Far East.:
- Kamchatka Territory – 199.25 thousand tons,
- Sakhalin region – 61.92 thousand tons,
- Khabarovsk Territory – 36.38 thousand tons,
- Magadan region – 9.84 thousand tons,
- Primorsky Krai – 2.71 thousand tons,
- Chukotka AO – 1.32 thousand tons.
In Kamchatka, this year should be a fruitful one for the west coast. According to the forecast, 109,910 tons (71 thousand tons of pink salmon, 10,400 tons of chum salmon, 23,400 tons of sockeye salmon, 5,000 tons of coho salmon, 70 tons of chinook salmon, 40 tons of sima) should be caught here.
It is predicted that the catch on the east coast will amount to 89,340 tons (72,600 tons of pink salmon, 8,530 tons of chum salmon, 5,800 tons of sockeye salmon, 1,920 tons of coho salmon, 490 tons of chinook salmon).
The timing of the beginning of salmon fishing in Kamchatka:
- The West Kamchatka subzone has been operating on water bodies in the territory of the Tigilsky district since June 20, and in the rest of the region since July 11.;
- Kamchatka-Kuril subzone: on the Ozernaya River on July 1, at sea fishing sites in the estuary zone of the Opala Rivers on July 15 and Ozernaya on July 22, in the rest of July 11;
- West Bering Sea Zone – June 15;
- Karaginsky subzone: on the Vyvenka River – June 5, in the rest – June 15;
- Petropavlovsk-Komandorskaya subzone:
- Aleutian District – June 1;
- Kamchatka Bay – June 4th;
- Kronotsky Bay – June 7;
- Kamchatka River – June 1 (lower reaches), June 21 (middle and upper reaches);
- Yelizovsky district river fishing grounds – July 15;
- Avacha Bay (for traditional fishing only) – for 7 days in the second half of July and 7 days in the second half of August.
A draft fishing strategy was presented at the meeting. It contained the following proposals to limit fishing.
Passing days at sea fishing sites
West Coast:
in the West Kamchatka and Kamchatka-Kuril subzones, from the beginning of fishing to its end, 2 days a week (with the exception of the period of the pink salmon run, determined on the basis of operational data).
East Coast:
at offshore radar stations in the Kamchatka Gulf, from the beginning of fishing to its end – 2 days a week; from 16.06 to 30.06 – 6 days. It is recommended to set a passing period from 26.07 to 06.08.
Into the boom. Little Bear, Big Kalygir – 2 days a week.
In the Avacha Bay and Avacha Bay, a passage period is recommended throughout the entire salmon spawning season, with the exception of fishing in the traditional fishing mode for 7 days in the second half of July and 7 days in the second half of August.
It is recommended to establish passing periods from 22.00 hours to 6.00 hours at all RLS and fishing sites for traditional fishing in the waters of the Avacha Bay, including the Avacha Bay.
The following check-through days are recommended for remote control stations located on inland waterways.
- In the rivers and lakes of the Kamchatka Territory, with the exception of some river basins, as well as rivers and lakes of the Aleutian District, there are 3 passing days weekly.;
- in the basins of the Lesnaya, Voyampolka (Materaya), Tigil, Palana rivers, the estuary of the Khairyuzova, Belogolovaya rivers – 2 days a week;
- in the rivers and lakes of the Aleutian district – 2 days a week;
- in the water area of the Bolshaya River from the mouth of the river to RLU No. 722 (inclusive) 3 times a week, from RLU No. 723 (inclusive) and upstream of the river, including its tributaries 3 days a week with a 1-day shift relative to the river section from the mouth to RLU No. 722;
- in the river basin. Ozernaya (zapadnaya) – in the 2-day fishing mode after 2 days of skipping;
- in the Kamchatka River basin: remote control stations in the Ust-Kamchatsky district – 3 days a week, remote control stations in the Milkovsky and Bystrinsky districts – 4 days a week, it is recommended to set a passage period from 26.07 to 08.08 for all river remote control stations.
In 2025, it is recommended to establish daily passage periods from 22.00 hours to 6.00 hours at river RLS and fishing sites for traditional fishing in the basins of the Pakhacha, Kamchatka, Avacha, Paratunka rivers, as well as at all river and marine RLS of the Kamchatka Territory for amateur fishing.
Depending on the actual approach, the number of Pacific salmon producers allowed into the rivers, and the filling of their spawning grounds, the regime of passageways for industrial, amateur and traditional fishing can be adjusted based on scientific recommendations from the KamchatNIRO and VNIRO.
According to the salmon putina strategy, in 2025, it is recommended to:
- do not harvest Pacific salmon using shutter seines with a length of more than 1,500 m of the central cable of the shutter seine from its attachment point on the shore to the head buoy in the direction of the bay.;
- do not harvest Pacific salmon using fixed seines equipped with more than two traps.
In 2025, it is recommended to introduce a ban on fishing:
- chinook salmon in the West Kamchatka and Kamchatka-Kuril subzones (except for amateur fishing);
- chinook salmon and sockeye salmon in the waters of the Avacha Bay, including the Avacha Bay, the Avacha and Paratunka rivers;
- chinook salmon in the Opala River basin for amateur fishing;
- all Pacific salmon in the waters of the Avacha Bay, including the Avacha Bay (except for traditional fishing), in the basins of the Opala, Koshegochek, Golygina, and Yavinskaya rivers in southeastern Kamchatka (except for amateur fishing with fishing gear).
“The Fisherman of Kamchatka”