Crab fishing is growing off the coast of Kamchatka

Crab fishing is growing off the coast of Kamchatka

The Regional Department of Rosrybolovstvo presented data on crab fishing off the coast of Kamchatka. The production rate exceeded last year’s.

According to Rosrybolovstvo, as of January 26, the total catch of crabs (blue crabs, raven-tailed crabs, and shorebird and opilio crabs) in the management area of responsibility is 2,805 tons (+895 tons per week). The total catch is 256 tons higher than in 2024 (in 2024, the catch was 2,549 tons).

According to the department, blue crab was mined in the West Bering Sea zone, which caught 1,028 tons (Kamchatka companies caught 442 tons), opilio strigoi crab -17 tons (Kamchatka fishermen accounted for 15 tons). In the West Kamchatka subzone, blue crab was mined, with a catch of 989 tons (there are no Kamchatka users), and red crab with a catch of 10 tons (there are no Kamchatka users). In the Kamchatka-Kuril subzone, the shorebird crab was mined, the catch was 759 tons (there are no Kamchatka users).

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