A bear injured in an accident was shot in Kamchatka
In the area of the village of Paratunka, Yelizovsky district, a bear that got under the wheels of a car was eliminated, the regional Ministry of Regional and Hunting Economy told RIA KAMCHATKA-INFORM.
The incident occurred on Sunday, January 19, in the evening on the Paratunskaya highway. The severely wounded bear, hit by a car, crawled away into the forest with difficulty, dragging its hind legs heavily, which refused the impact. Hunting experts went to the scene of the incident.
“The interdepartmental rapid response task force shot the predator on the basis of a decision on population control,” said Vsevolod Voropanov, head of the Forestry and Hunting Control Department of the Ministry.
He noted that since the beginning of the year, eight cases of bears coming out to people have been recorded, five predators have been shot, and three are being searched for.
“It must be remembered that any hungry rod encountered in winter is potentially dangerous for humans,” Voropanov explained.
According to him, the number of hunting inspectors who use drones and thermal imagers has been increased in the region. Airlines, travel agencies, and hunting enterprises in the region are required to report all bear sightings to the Ministry.
Experts also urge residents of Kamchatka to be careful on the roads, as animals often run out onto country roads.
Photo: screenshot of a video from social networks.