At the end of December 2024, Kamchatka fishermen had produced almost 653 thousand tons of pollock, which is 5% less than the catch as of the same date last year. It should be noted that more than 35% of pollock catch in the Russian Far East is provided by Kamchatka enterprises.
«The «B» season of the 2023 Sea of Okhotsk pollock poutine ends on the peninsula. This is one of the largest fishing trips not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Over 110 days of fishing season, more than 60% of the annual pollock catch in the Far Eastern fishery basin is caught. And most of this fish is caught by Kamchatka fishermen. As of December 20, enterprises in the region produced almost 653 thousand tons of pollock», — commented Pavel Buryak, assistant of the fisheries department of the Ministry of Fisheries of the Kamchatka Territory.
The pollock catch by Russian fishermen at the end of 2024 will be about 2 million tons, which will be approximately at the level of 2023. According to last year’s results, the pollock catch in Russia amounted to 1.96 million tons, which was a record figure for the last 25 years.
In 2025, fishermen in the Far East will be able to catch 3.461 million tons of pollock. The corresponding order on the total allowable catch was approved by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture in October.
Specialized pollock fishing in the Sea of Okhotsk is carried out in two seasons — winter-spring (season «A») and autumn-winter (season «B»). The pre-spawning season of «A» begins on January 1 and ends in the spring with the beginning of a period of mass spawning. In the second season of «B», fishing is carried out during the feeding period — according to fishing rules, fishing is allowed from October 15 in the North Sea of Okhotsk subzone, from November 1 in the West Kamchatka and Kamchatka-Kuril subzones, reports «Fisherman of Kamchatka».