Kamchatka inspectors checked more than 600 hunters of hares

Kamchatka inspectors checked more than 600 hunters of hares

Kamchatka inspectors checked more than 600 hunters of hares

Photo by the government of the Kamchatka Territory.

Hare hunting is popular among Kamchatka hunters. The hunting season for them in the region lasts from October 1 to February 28, the KAMCHATKA-INFORM RAI reports.

For almost three months, hunting inspectors of the regional wildlife protection service checked 632 hunters for compliance with the rules while patrolling forests.

“Most of them comply with the norms of hunting legislation: since the opening of the white hare hunt, only 14 hunters have committed violations. Administrative protocols have been drawn up on them and two guns, five traps and six nooses have been seized,” said Anna Korneeva, assistant director of the service.

According to her, common violations are the transportation of weapons in a car in an assembled, uncovered and loaded state, as well as hunting without permits.

For each illegally obtained hare, the violator compensates for damage to nature in the amount of one thousand rubles. However, an increasing coefficient (from 1 to 7) is also applied, taking into account the circumstances of harm to hunting resources. The collected money goes to the municipal budget.

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