The State Duma expressed serious concern about the potential harm that uncontrolled mass tourism could cause to Russia’s unique ecosystems. The head of the Committee on tourism, Sangaji Tarbayev, representing the New People party, said in an interview with RIA Novosti that such natural gems as Lake Baikal, Kamchatka and Yakutia are under threat of degradation due to the growing anthropogenic impact.
He noted that in pursuit of the tourist flow, we risk irretrievably losing these natural treasures, and called for extreme caution in the development of tourism in specially protected areas. According to him, mass tourism will inevitably lead to a huge strain on fragile ecosystems that may not be able to withstand such pressure. Instead of building new accommodation facilities, even temporary ones, near unique natural sites, he suggested focusing on infrastructure development in existing cities, and making visits to natural attractions themselves an exclusive, “piece-by-piece” product. The MP stressed that unconditional conservation of nature should be a priority in this delicate issue.
A number of environmental experts support the position of the head of the committee, insisting on the need to find a balance between the economic benefits of tourism and the preservation of priceless natural heritage for future generations. Otherwise, as Sangaji Tarbayev warned, our children may no longer see these unique corners of the planet. In the current situation, the future of unique natural territories is at stake, and the choice, according to the head of the committee, is obvious – ecology must be above all.