Quotas for smelt and char fishing have been allocated for the Kamchatka National Forest

Quotas for smelt and char fishing have been allocated for the Kamchatka National Forest

Kamchatka hosted the first meeting of the commission for the regulation of the extraction of anadromous fish species in the Kamchatka Territory in 2025. It discussed the organization of specialized spring fishing for smelt and char. A decision has been made to allocate about 1.6 thousand tons of aquatic biological resources for traditional fishing of indigenous peoples, the press service of the regional government reports.

On the recommendation of science, as in previous years, in order to reduce fishing pressure, specialized net fishing for smelt and char is prohibited in the Avacha Bay, lakes Nerpichye, Maloe Lake, Bolshoy Kalygir, Bolshoe Sarannoe, Bolshoy Vilyui, Maly Vilyui, as well as on the rivers Paratunka, Avacha, Bolshaya.

“By its decisions, the Commission sets the volume of production (catch) of anadromous fish species for industrial fishing, organization of amateur fishing and traditional fishing of indigenous peoples, determines the timing of the start and prohibition of fishing, and also establishes a regime of passing days,” said Pavel Buryak, a researcher at the fisheries department of the Ministry of Fisheries of the Kamchatka Territory.

The minutes of the meeting are posted on the websites of the North-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Federal Fisheries Agency and the Ministry of Fisheries of the Kamchatka Territory.

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