An awakened bear was shot at the Avacha pass in Kamchatka

An awakened bear was shot at the Avacha pass in Kamchatka

An awakened bear was shot at the Avacha pass in Kamchatka

In the area of the Avachinsky pass, where several popular snowmobile routes are laid, hunting inspectors shot a staggering bear, the regional Ministry of Forestry and Hunting told.

It became known about the predator’s exit in the area of the Dry River from social networks. An operational group of inspectors went to the scene, who tracked down the beast and eliminated it.

“I would like to note that this is not a classic wobbly bear: it did not wake up on its own, most likely, it was disturbed by people,” said Vsevolod Voropanov, head of the Department of the Ministry of Forestry.

This winter, seven predators roaming the forests were eliminated. A few days ago, a “classic” connecting rod was shot at the Avacha pass: he was exhausted and showed aggression towards people. Residents of the region are asked to report encounters with predators to the 112 service.

Kamchatka bears usually hibernate in mid-November. But last year, due to lack of fishing on the rivers and poor harvest of berries and cones in the forests, many predators that did not accumulate fat reserves did not hibernate. There are practically no chances for rodent bears to survive until spring without food in the winter forest.

Bears on the peninsula begin to leave their dens at the end of April, and then for another month and a half before the first fish appear in the rivers, they live on foot food.


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