Kamchatskenergo assessed the effectiveness of fish protection facilities at CHP-2
PJSC Kamchatskenergo has carried out work to assess the actual effectiveness of the fish protection device at the onshore pumping station (BPS) of the Kamchatka CHPP-2, the energy company told the KAMCHATKA-INFORM agency.
The effectiveness of the fish protection device was evaluated by the power engineers in order to carry out measures to preserve and restore the biodiversity of Lake Khalaktyrsky last year.
The work was carried out by a specialized organization in the period from August 2023 to October 2024. According to the prepared report, the average level of actual efficiency of the automated fish protection system at the water intake of the Kamchatka CHPP-2 BNS was 89.15% ± 1.54%, which is significantly higher than the level stipulated in regulatory documents (70% according to SP 101.1333.2012).
It should be recalled that in 2022, Kamchatskenergo implemented an environmental project at Kamchatka CHPP-2 – the construction of an innovative integrated fish protection device. Such installations make it possible to reduce the ingress of fish into the water intake facilities of the CHP. The PIER fish protection complex, installed in 2011, was replaced by an automated fish protection system (APC). The electric fish protection front used in the APC generates an electric field in the water, which has a scaring effect on fish. This allows the fish to be removed from the dangerous area of the intake structure and, as a result, to ensure its protection from entering the intake.
The need to improve the fish protection facilities at the onshore pumping station of CHPP-2 was dictated on the one hand by stricter environmental requirements, and on the other by the emergence of new, more efficient technical solutions.
Lake Khalaktyrskoye belongs to the Kirpichnaya-Khalaktyrka River basin and is a salmon spawning reservoir of the highest fishery category. Currently, the ichthyofauna of the lake includes two species of stickleback and smelt throughout the year, a residential form of coho, single-pass coho and sockeye salmon, as well as their young. In the middle of the 20th century, silver carp and Amur carp were successfully acclimatized in the lake.
The water from the lake is used for the technological needs of Kamchatka CHPP-2 in a closed cooling circuit of various devices and mechanisms. The composition of the water is monitored around the clock by a specialized service and remains unchanged both at the inlet and outlet of the power plant.
Photo: Ivan Kozlov