Kamchatka otters do not feed on cones and do not wear socks

Kamchatka otters do not feed on cones and do not wear socks

River otters permanently live in the Kuril Lake basin in the South Kamchatka Federal Reserve. They hunt salmon, tumble in the snow, ride down ice slides and simply enjoy life in the water at any time of the year, the Kronotsky Nature Reserve reported.

There they remembered the tongue twister about this handsome representative of the mustel family. It doesn’t sound too otter-friendly:

In the depths of the tundra there are otters in socks

Cedar kernels are rubbed into buckets.

Having torn out the gaiters from the otter in the tundra,

Wipe off the cedar kernel otter.

Wipe your face with a gaiter –

kernels in buckets, otter in the tundra.

The reserve noted that there may be otters somewhere that feed on pine nuts. But most likely only in fairy tales. And this tongue twister, like everyone else, was composed for the development of speech.

In fact, not a single self-respecting otter, at least in Kamchatka, will crawl behind the cones, much less allow you to pull on your socks.

Its main food is – fish, and this animal leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Creates cozy holes on the banks of rivers and fresh lakes. Even in winter, thanks to the warm, waterproof fur, as well as the membranes between the toes and tail, the steering wheel always remains afloat.

So these wonderful animals are not threatened by any cedars or buckets. For normal existence, otters necessarily need open areas of water, gullies, and voids under the ice. If the reservoir is completely frozen, they move through watersheds in search of open water. 


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